
This Baquiano Program offers logistic and material support to performers and to sponsors of traditional Latin American harp music in North America.

This can include public concerts, school presentations, workshops, restaurant entertainment, etc., by professional or skilled semi-professional harpists.

Events should be mostly admission-free, matched by local sponsors, and largely funded by tips and sale of recordings.

This young harpist from Mantecal, Venezuela,
is of a vibrant new generation of musicians —->

  • For professional and skilled semi-professional Latin traditional harpists, the program offers logistic and material support that can include booking, scheduling, publicity, hospitality, translation, transportation, etc..

  • For partnering groups and/or individual sponsors, the program may offer matching grants of $250 or more for applicants wishing to present live-performing Latin American harpists.

  • Address your proposals, inquiries or donations to John Lozier, jl@harpingforharmony.org. or

  • Harping for Harmony
    843 S. 31st,
    Lincoln, Nebraska 68510

Harping for Harmony Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation in the State of West Virginia, established in 1994. FEIN 550746741.