My Harp Teacher in Barinas - Jose Gregorio Lopez

Goyo Lopez has been giving me instruction once or twice a day since last
week, and I´m so glad. He is very patient, very precise, does not let any
mistake go uncorrected. This is so important when the rhythm is so
intricate and particular.

I´m working mostly on Seis por Derecho, a very universal form based on a
certain rhythmic and harmonic repetition of chords 5 5 1 4. There are
numerous variations in both bass and treble parts. However, there are a
few cardinal errors that just seem to come naturally to a North American
musical mentality.

Pajarillo is another universal form here, which folks have told me is just
Seis por Derecho in a minor key (tuned with a sharped seventh). Here´s
Jose Gregorio Lopez doing Pajarillo on youtube (I hope this works)...

At my first lesson, Goyo said he has worked 40 years experimenting with
alternative tunings, in order to perform a more chromatic style. He
demonstrated for me, but since then I´ve been focused on getting the
basics. Maybe some other time, I´ll work on alternative tuning.




Venezuela Manicure

I got a manicure yesterday afternoon here in Barinas, Venezuela. It was a stroke of great good fortune.

At the harp class on Wednesday, I was like everyone else, playing as hard as I could just to hear myself. Everyone was playing independently, as the teacher came around and gave personal instruction. Afterward, I noticed that I had broken my left index fingernail. What a disaster! With two weeks to go here, I would not have time to grow it back out!

Beauty parlor to the rescue. The young woman did not seem at all surprised when I showed her the broken nail. It was only half broken. She glued my left index first, then went to work on my right hand. Then she worked back and forth, giving each nail three coats of acrylic stuff, and a top coat of clear nail polish.

The creole harp technique here uses a lot of fingernail, but also use the finger pad for its own special effect. Pure nail gives a tinkling sound. Pure pad is used in the bass, along with damping, for a thumping effect that is very much favored. In the extreme, the thumping is almost toneless, snapping like a drum.

I am very pleased with my new hard nails. Mine are very conservative, clear and not very shiny, maybe 1/8 of an inch showing when looking at my fingertips from the palm side. I´m guessing local harpists have 3/8 inch, maybe more.

I should have figured this out a long time ago. Any other players have stories about how they manage their nails?

My first harp class in Barinas, Venezuela

The harp class was cacophonic, but productive. Seven adolescent males and
an old guy (me) were scattered around the small courtyard, each harping on
whatever was their currently limiting technical hurdle. There was no
attempt to teach as a group. Teacher Oswaldo Zapata moved from one to
another, in turn, observing and correcting each harpist. These youngsters
are VERY GOOD, and very DEVOTED to the traditional harp style.

Classes are offered each Tuesday and Wednesday. I lucked in the day
before, arriving just in time to audition for Zapata, and to learn about
the schedule. Next afternoon, there I was, the first to arrive, at 2 PM.
Zapata opened the air-conditioned storeroom, unlocked the chain that ran
through the ten fine harps, and selected one for me.

In the courtyard, he asked me to play Seis por Derecho. Luckily, I had
learned a bit of it from Fernando Guerrero, so I could show a little
something. Encouraging but not at all satisfied with my effort, he
corrected my fingering and assigned a couple of variations to practice.

There is nothing on paper, all is taught by ear. There is no string color
coding, the harpist must simply find the tonic note and go from there. To
further confuse the color-coded harpist, some of the strings are
variegated, changing in color along the length of the string.

I had visited this harp class last year, but only as an observer. My hope
to become a student this year seems to have materialized. I have my own
harp at my hotel, so I´ll practice every day and go to class for the next
three weeks.

This class is at the Casa de la Cultura here, part of a folklore program
that includes various instruments as well as dance and puppetry. I was
welcomed into the class with no formality, no registration, no fees.

The first week of my visit here was ARPATUR, my fifth time visiting the
harpists here. We did a lot of driving, put up with a lot of tropical
heat, but hey, we really did hear the great harp music.

By the way, for HISTORICAL HARP devotees, let me say that Fernando and I
are projecting an article that will suggest that in Venezuela the old
performance standards persist in use. If you really want to know how early
music was performed you would do well to investigate Venezuela. Fernando
is author of the book, El Arpa en Venezuela (the harp in Venezuela), and
he is a world-class pedal harpist, so he has some authority.

A Harpist at Plaza Garibaldi in Mexico City

Garibaldi is a place in Mexico City where musical groups and party planners go to meet up and make deals. The musicians also play for tourists, each tune for a price.

I went in the afternoon looking for harpists, and found Alfonso Garcia, harpist with a conjunto jarocho group called Los Cocuyos. Here's his picture:



I got his contact info and we tentatively planned that I would visit him at his shop tomorrow (his card says "construction and repair of harps"). However, as he explained, this is tentative because the top priority will be to land a gig for this important holiday weekend (Dia de los Muertos, "Day of the Dead"). If the meeting comes of I'll write more, otherwise this is it.



From Mexico

I am writing from Casa de los Amigos a quaker guest house in Mexico City, where I arrived on Thursday. I will leave on Monday to go to Venezuela.

Thursday evening I played a harp concert for an audience of about 20 folks. Friday evening I was the "resource" for an English conversation group of about 15 people, this also turned out to be a mini-concert and talk about harps.

Casa de los Amigos was established back in the 50's, but the Mexico City Friends Meeting was formed even earlier in 1938. This is the only established unprogrammed meeting in Mexico, perhaps in all of Latin America. The primary mission is hospitality as a guest house. They have social action missions to support human rights for migrants in Mexico, and to promote "economic solidarity" with small producers.

They invite applications from volunteers to make a commitment of 6-12 months on these missions. The staff and volunteers are not all quakers, mostly young. There is also an invitation for "resident quakers" to come for extended periods.

They have a lot of visitors, foreign and domestic (Mexican). They have developed a very nice set of bilingual pamphlets for first-time attenders.

I am looking forward to the meeting for worship tomorrow.

In the next month, I plan to post occasional trip reports here, maybe photos, recordings, even videos (but I can't promise!).

May 1 Harp Concert a Big Success

The Dominion Post published the advance story on April 30.

To celebrate the beginning of Summer, local harpists presented a May Day concert at 7:30 PM on Friday, May 1, 2009, at Trinity Episcopal Church in Morgantown. Featured guest harpist was Leah Marie Trent, from Ronceverte, WV. Local performers were Eric Harshbarger, John Lozier, and the Almost Heaven Harp Circle directed by Cindy Lewellen.

This year's concert raised more than $1000, to benefit a harp school in Barinas, Venezuela, and other programs of Harping for Harmony Foundation (HHF).

Leah Marie Trent performed on a Salvi lever harp, but she is also an accomplished performer on the pedal harp as well as smaller Irish, Celtic, and lap harps. As a surprise, her husband Rodger Trent joined in the performance on concertina, presenting two tunes from the Shaker tradition. Leah Trent taught at Alderson Broadus in Philippi several years ago, then moved to Oklahoma City. There she built the harp program at the Classen School for Advanced Studies and created St. Patrick's Irish Harp Orchestra, before returning to West Virginia in 2006. More recently, she has taught harp for Irish Week at the Augusta Heritage Center in Elkins.

Eric Harshbarger started harping 12 years ago at the age of 4, when John Lozier played at his preschool. From his first harp, made by Lozier, he moved up to a Lyon and Healy Troubadour harp, and then the pedal harp, studying with Cindy Lewellen and with Christine Mazza. He has performed with orchestras at Suncrest Middle School and Morgantown High School, and is a member of Mazza's Morgantown Harp Ensemble.

John Lozier performed tunes by Turlough O'Carolan, Irish harper of the 18th century, as well as music from Wales, Venezuela and Paraguay. Lozier is especially devoted to Latin American harp music, and his preferred instrument is a Venezuelan arpa llanera. He and like-minded others founded Harping for Harmony Foundation in 1995.

The Almost Heaven Harp Circle, under the direction of Cindy Lewellen, meets on the third Thursday of each month at the Church of the Brethren, 464 Virginia Avenue. The group consists of musicians of all ages and skill levels, and newcomers are always welcome. Look for information online.

Venezuela has a long history of strong support for folk and classical music and arts. In 2008, in Barinas, Venezuela, Lozier found not one, but two, harp schools! One teaches only the harp to relatively advanced students. The other serves a wider range of folk-cultural interests, with dancing, singing, and puppetry as well as harp and other instruments. Lozier's annual visits to Venezuela since 2005 have come to be known as ARPATUR (harp tour), engaging local people as well as a few intrepid internationals. The ARPATUR collaboration involves Venezuelan singer-songwriter and professor of agriculture Adolfo Cardozo and Caracas lawyer and pedal harpist Fernando Guerrero. ARPATUR-IV will take place in the summer of 2009, an expression of HHF's mission statement: to promote harmony and community, locally and globally, through harp music.

Another HHF project, started in 2000, is the Millennium Harper Awards. This award recognizes harpists around the world for their completion of a "worthy quest" involving live performance, local public service, and personal growth. Through this program, HHF has given away more than 40 small harps.

Other projects of HHF since its formation in 1995 involve support for harp teacher Lis Joostens in Honduras; training and support for harpmaker Rigoberto Hernandez in Guatemala; and travel support for Patrice Fisher to Guatemala and for John Kovac to Cyprus. In earlier years, John Lozier has traveled with his harp to El Salvador, Russia, Haiti, Northern Ireland, Guatemala, and Mexico.

Report from Venezuela, January 2009

I received a letter from Adolfo Cardozo on January 7, 2009. He reports on various projects.

The three Montilla brothers are Jose, Wilson (see photo) and Alvaro, ranging in age from about 8 to 13 years, all very enthusiastic for the traditional music. In February, 2008, collaborating with Adolfo, we awarded them a harp, cuatro and maracas.


The brothers Montilla from Estacada have advanced greatly. a) They have taken good care of the instruments we gave to them; b) They have made presentations by invitation in their school, in the towns of Mantecal, Barinas, Guanare, and San Cristobal; c) they have a harp teacher who visits them 2 or 3 times a week, tunes the harp, and gives them lessons.

Meibis Altahona was 10 years old last year when we made this video.

Adolfo writes:

Her father is no longer instructor in the government cultural program, but has his own harp and continues to play and to give lessons to his children. Melbis became somewhat discouraged when the government took the two new harps away that had been assigned to her father. In 2008 we apportioned to Melbis (in the hands of her mother) the equivalent in Bolivares the equivalent of $200 US, they are very grateful. Upon judgement that she has continued and is progressing, we have ordered a small harp for her personal use, it will be fabricated by a luthier in Estacada, to be delivered January 15. It is costing $400 US. Erika is making a case for it.

La Baecera is a rural zone with scattered ranches, near Elorza in the state of Apure, and the home of Adolfo's wife, Erika. Adolfo continues:

In general we observe that the seed that we have sown in these two projects of sponsorship (Montilla brothers and Altahona family) have been progressing. For that reason, we are opening a third project of this type: La Baecera School for Traditional Harp and Joropo Dance, "Uncle Steven and Juana Romero."

Tio Esteban and Juana Romero, a harpist and a dancer from La Baecera, are celebrated in a song by Alfredo Parra (link here?). Adolfo says this project develops from three dances that were held in December, 2008 in La Baecera. The success of these events demonstrated the persistence of the traditional sabanero dance and contrapunteo. However, this is mostly among the older generation; there are few young musicians, singers or dancers. Adolfo continues by naming several local neighbors and relatives who are prepared to sponsor and support the project. In addition to Erika and Adolfo, Maribel Corrales ( cousin of Erika, dancer); For this reason, we the following are committing ourselves to elaborate, sponsor and support: Erika, Adolfo, Maribel Corrales (cousin of Erika, dancer); Cheo Escobar (Erika's uncle); Nivia Escobar; Javier Pena (worker at La Baecera school).


Also, I permit myself to include as sponsors John Lozier, Harping for Harmony Foundation, and ARPATUR-VENEZUELA.

Adolfo concludes with invitation for others to join in ARPATUR-IV, in June, 2009. At this time we will of course monitor and review developments in all three of the projects named here.

I'm also hoping that ARPATUR-IV will devote some time and attention to the harp schools in Barinas (Estado Barinas), and perhaps pay another visit to El Baul (Estado Cojedes)

John Lozier


March 14, 2009: Irish Spring Festival Harp Workshops, Ireland, WV

On Saturday, March 14, from 10 AM all day long, harpists from near and far gathered in the tiny Lewis County village of Ireland, WV. Here, local folks have celebrated their Irish Spring Festival since 1982. John Lozier, Executive Director of Harping for Harmony Foundation (HHF), first brought a harp to the festival 16 years ago. Since then, HHF has offered free harp workshops for beginners, and a free concert for the general public.

This year, Lozier returned to the festival after three years absence during which other harpists have continued the Ireland festival tradition. Meanwhile, Lozier spent time visiting harpists in Venezuela. This year in Ireland he offered workshops teaching some of the tunes and techniques he has learned in South America.

"Most people are unfamiliar with Latin American harp music," says Lozier. "I think people will find it very appealing, challenging, and interesting."

Workshops and concert were held, as every year, at the Ireland United Methodist Church. Workshops are scheduled for 10 AM (beginners) and 1:30 PM (intermediate and advanced). The concert, set for 6 PM, will feature any harpists present who wish to perform, including even some new beginners.

As always, extra harps were available for beginners. There was no charge for workshops or concert, and no advance registration required.

This annual event is sponsored jointly by the Shamrock CEOS Club and Harping for Harmony Foundation.

Directions from Morgantown to Ireland, WV here.

For more information, contact John Lozier (304 599 8233 or 304 276 5141)



May 1 Harp Concert Celebrates Start of Summer

May Day marks the start of the summer half of the year.

Local harpists will offer a May Day concert at 7:30 PM on Friday, May 1, 2009, at Trinity Episcopal Church in Morgantown, WV. Featured guest artist is Leah Marie Trent, from Lewisburg, WV. Also performing are Eric Harshbarger, John Lozier, and the Almost Heaven Harp Circle directed by Cindy Lewellen.

The concert benefits the mission of Harping for Harmony Foundation (HHF), to promote harmony and community, locally and globally, through harp music.


$10 for adults, or two for $15
FREE for children under 12


$30 - Name Listing in Program (includes 2 tickets)

$50 - 1/4 page Display Ad (includes 2 tickets)

$75 - 1/2 page Display Ad (includes 4 tickets)

$100 - FULL PAGE DISPLAY (includes 6 tickets)

More information:
John Lozier - 304 276 5141 or
Ruth Heavener - ...

Millennium Harper Awards Program

Hi, this is to announce a renewal of the Millennium Harper Awards Program

Any active harpist, regardless of skill level, may declare a quest, claim a title, and receive a Millennium Harper Award. The quest must involve live performance. It must be a substantial service to your community. And it must stretch your comfort level as a person and performer. These criteria define a worthy quest. Check links for Titled Millennium Harpers and for Current Year Quests.

Starting in 2001, about 40 harpers have claimed Millennium Harper titles. Many more declared quests but never finished and told their stories.

Check the links above for more information. Anyone can be a harper.

Membership and its benefits

You can be a member on this website. The benefits? You are able to subscribe to notifications whenever a specified page is updated. So, for example, you could get notified whenever I update this journal, or add material to the Venezuela, Millennium Harpers, Almost Heaven Harp Circle, etc.

You as member can opt in or out as much as you like.

Let me know if you would like to be a member. John


Millennia: a new small harp for a small budget:




This is a simple, rustic harp with just two and a half octaves (19 strings). Designed by John Lozier especially for giving with Millennium Harper Awards, the Rafaella is easily portable and very durable. It is also very suitable for use with children of all ages. John carries up to 10 harps of this sort when he does school programs.

About 40 Millennium Harpers have received Rafaella harps in recognition for completing their worthy quests.

As of January, 2009, John is not actively producing the Rafaella harp.