Anyone who touches the strings of a harp adds harmony to the universe. That's what the ancient inscription means -  when all have touched my strings, the world will be in harmony.

Every harper is a harper for harmony.

The mission of Harping for Harmony Foundation is to promote harmony and community, locally and globally, through harp music.

Areas of particular interest are Peace, Childhood, Livelihood, Health, and Democracy. We want to bring harp music to war-torn or otherwise conflicted places. Our special focus is on Latin American harp music.

The children in the picture live in La Florida, near Guanare, Venezuela. It was in Venezuela,, in 1991, that I first encountered the harp as a folk instrument. I carried harps to El Salvador in 1994, with Companion Community Development Alternatives, a group involved in reconstruction after their civil war. The name, "harping for harmony," was inspired by Potters for Peace.

After a lifetime of different roles and careers (among them anthropologist, small businessman, bureaucrat, agricultural educator, father, and grandfather), I now regard myself as primarily a harper for harmony and a K-12 substitute public school teacher in West Virginia.

- John Lozier, Executive Director, Harping for Harmony Foundation.

December, 2013

Harping for Harmony Foundation is a 501(c)(3) exempt charity in the State of West Virginia, established in 1994. Donations are tax-deductable.